Liz Vincent – online privacy policy
Liz Vincent at is committed to protecting your privacy.
She explains the kind of information she collects from you and how she uses it. She also explains Awakening2hypnosis’s privacy policy.
Collection of your personal information and Privacy Policy
She collects information that personally identifies you that allows her to communicate solely with you. The information so collected includes your name, e-mail address or your company details, if applicable.
Use of your personal information
She uses your personal information only for the purpose of communicating with you solely as her client. She does not share with or sell to, any information about you with any third parties.
Security of your personal information
She holds information about you and uses it only for the restrictive purposes referred to above and in compliance with the relevant law. She has in place the appropriate security measures and procedures aimed at protecting the information about you against loss, misuse, alteration or unintentional destruction. Liz Vincent works alone so only she will have access to the data. She is well trained to maintain the confidentiality of such information.
Liz Vincent at also protects the online privacy of your personal information. Her website will be updated to reflect any material changes to her privacy policy. All rights regarding the information provided on the website are reserved to Liz Vincent at
Changes to this Privacy Statement
Liz Vincent at reserves the right to change the current policy in any way she considers necessary at any time without prior notice but any such changes will always be compliant with the applicable law. If you have questions or comments about privacy or any related matter, please contact her. You may also communicate any concerns you may have regarding compliance, with her Online Privacy Policy.