‘Finding the Light’™ is Fully Registered and Accredited by the Complementary Medical Association.
Liz Vincent is a healer and hypnotherapist specialising in this life and past life regression. She is also the author of the book, Finding the Light, how to achieve inner peace by forgiving past and present life traumas. She has appeared on TV and radio most notably taking Peter Andre into a past life for ITV’s ‘This Morning’.
Her clinic, based in London’s Harley St, is where for the past 21 years she regularly works with clients. Liz’s unique methods of using regression hypnosis to release people from anxiety, depression, pain, phobias and many other conditions has led to many people wanting to learn her methods.
This course ‘Finding the Light’ is the culmination of many years of work. It is laid out in five very comprehensive modules. All five modules are two hours each. This course is offered either face to face or on line via Zoom or Skype.
- My Method
In this two hour lesson you learn to work with clients, talking to them and putting them at ease to take them into a relaxed, altered state of consciousness. You will learn how to take them back in time to a scene a few months previous and then into a childhood scene. You will also learn how to walk them into either a golden shower of light or an amethyst flame in order to remove any negative energy before waking them up. - Inner Child
In this two hour lesson you will learn to take clients back into childhood scenes for them to reclaim the power they lost. This may have been caused by bullying, abuse or by parents who were unable to demonstrate love. You will learn how to help them access the abused childhood part, so that it can become integrated with the adult part. This is actually a type of soul retrieval. - Spirit Release
This two hour lesson consists of three modules which are interrelated. In the first part you will learn how to deal with entities that your clients may have picked up as a result of drug abuse or by being psychically open. The second part of the module introduces Past Life Regression , where you will learn how to safely take your clients into past lives to release phobias and other problems they may be experiencing. The third part relates to Inner Child/ Spirit Release. - This lesson is two hours. The topics covered are The Mirror, Soul Contracts, Tie Cutting, Using Regression Hypnosis to Reduce Physical Pain, When the Client Says They Want to Release an Illness But is Not Actually Prepared to do so, People in Grief and How to Bring in a Loved One, Working with the Clients Higher Self, Visiting the Spirit World, Secondary Gain
- The final lesson is two hours. The topics covered are: Working to alleviate repeated negative patterns, Working with Weight Issues, Fear of Public Speaking, Dealing with Psychic Attack,Curses, Spells and Witchcraft, Walk Ins, Star Seeds and Light Workers, Chakra Balancing, Working on Skype or Zoom, Tips for Marketing your Business.
Each two hour session will allow for fifteen minutes of question time.
After each module, attendees will be asked to practice on their friends and family. In order to complete the course you will need to fully understand all the methods described in the various modules. You will also be expected to do a full Inner Child Session, a Spirit Release Session and a Past Life Regression Session. Note taking is mandatory so that when asked about the work, you will be able to give a fully comprehensive explanation.
In the final two lessons you will be expected to recall the methods you have learned in order to explain how you handled the subject you hypnotised in each case. There will not be a written exam so you will be expected to prove that you have fully understood and can demonstrate that you are able to utilise the methods in order to be granted certification. This is why question and answer time is important in these lessons, please do not hesitate to raise questions at this time.
Once the course is fully completed and Liz feels that the student has a full understanding of how to use ‘Finding the Light’ a certificate will be issued and students will be able to join the CMA as a student fully graduated from a CMA approved school.
For more information about how to enrol on this course please contact Liz on 07769682383 or e-mail liz@awakening2hypnosis.com
This is Liz’s complete mentoring programme and costs £1275.
Liz’s colleague Alia is now teaching the course to students in Arabic.
My name is Alia Jassem AlShatti I’m a Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Licensed Emotional Intelligence Practitioner, and Organizational Development Coach from Kuwait. I help 1000+ women worldwide to reprogram their mind, work on their self concept, and change their lifestyle. I have done 250+ workshops and 500+ group guided meditation sessions in Kuwait, London, and Qatar. My main goal is to teach clients how to heal themselves. Working with Liz and learning her style and techniques helped me benefit both personally and professionally. After taking “Finding the Light Course” I have decided to expand my knowledge and collaborate with Liz to introduce this course into the Arab world.
Please reach out by contacting Alia on Instagram or by phone: +965 90044641.
The complete Finding the Light mentoring programme costs £1275