One thing I often find when I work with clients is that some days there is some sort of synchronicity either in the type of symptoms clients present themselves with or there is a similarity of events. For example, today
Past Life Regression and Famous People
Over the past 10 years as a past life regression therapist I have worked with thousands of people who have all experienced many different past lives. Often these lives are fairly ordinary and some are far more dramatic than others,
Workshop: An Introduction to Self-Empowerment
Liz Vincent: London Harley Street Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression specialist and the author of ‘Finding the Light – How to achieve inner peace by forgiving past life traumas. Invites you to attend: An Introduction to Self-Empowerment Saturday 21st June
An Introduction to Self Empowerment
Liz Vincent: London Harley Street Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression specialist and the author of ‘Finding the Light – How to achieve inner peace by forgiving past life traumas. Invites you to attend: An Introduction to Self-Empowerment On Sat 17th
Our first and Very Special Meditation Evening
Last Friday evening we hosted our very first meditation evening in the lovely venue of Thames Tunnel Mills which overlooks the river in Rotherhithe London. We were particularly honoured because Lama Lobsang who is the emissary of the Dalai Lama
A Very Enchanted Evening
A few weeks ago a friend invited me to watch a concert and a film on the Dalia Lama and Tibet at the Union Chapel in North London. As we walked in, I saw for the first time, this superb
Past Life Regression-A Case History
Past life regression is an excellent tool for letting go anxiety, stress, fear, guilt and phobias. In some very special cases when the emotional reason for the phobia and the physical problem are interconnected both the phobia and the physical
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy can help people who are experiencing depression and general difficulties to understand why they may be looking at and interpreting everything about their world in a negative and pessimistic way. Usually the ‘cup is half empty’ rather
Releasing Fear and Embracing Change -the Winter Solstice of 21st December 2012
When I mention 21st December 2012 I get one of 3 reactions from people: A blank look because the date means absolutely nothing to them. A look of fear because they have watched movies that talk about an apocalyptic end
Finding the Light
My book explains a unique way to quickly and easily alleviate your deepest worries and fears. The key to letting go of pain and suffering is to identify where the source of it lies, whether this is in your present