Fears & Phobias
Phobias can make our lives at best slightly difficult and at worst intolerable. We can be afraid of almost anything, Animals, birds, fish and insects, heights, flying, closed in spaces, leaving our house, the dark, noise, needles, pain, hospitals, childbirth, death, sex, going to work, going to school (children), dust, water, smells, being sick, the list is endless.
We often don’t even know what it is we are afraid of. We feel so afraid that we start to get anxiety attacks. Sometimes these fears can develop into full blown panic attacks and we have no idea what is causing them we just feel really bad.
Types of phobias
Phobias are usually broken down into three different categories listed below.
I work with many different types of phobias for example, anxiety and panic attacks. Some phobias are more widespread like fear of small spaces (claustrophobia), of being sick (emetophobia), exams (testophobia), public speaking (glossophobia), or flying (aviatophobia).
I have also treated with great success patients with some of the more unusual phobias like the fear of being buried alive (taphephobia) or the fear of looking in a mirror (eisoptrophobia). If your phobia doesn’t happen to be listed please don’t worry, I have just picked out a few examples to give some examples of how many different phobias people suffer from. Please note that some phobias have more than one name. I have just used the most common.
Social Phobias:
A social fear is being afraid of or anxious about meeting people on a personal, social or professional level. Some examples of social phobias are listed below:
Fear of failure (atychiphobia)
Fear of crowds (enochlophobia)
Fear of large groups (anthropophobia),
Fear of speaking in public (glossophobia)
Fear of work (ergophobia)
Fear of the opposite sex (heterophobia)
Fear of sex (genophobia)
Fear of being in crowded public spaces (agoraphobia)
Untreated social phobias can intensify causing the sufferer to cut themselves off more from seemingly threatening situations and people. They suffer feelings of hopeless and can easily become depressed. Or they can in some circumstances develop additions to drugs or alcohol.
Specific Phobias:
Section A: Fear of different animals, insects, fish or birds,for example:
Fear of horses (equinophobia),
Fear of dogs (cynophobia)
Fear of cats (felinophobia)
Fear of chickens (alextorophobia)
Fear of bees(apiphobia)
Fear of fish (ichthyophobia)
Fear of ants (myrmecophobia)
Fear of spiders (arachnophobia)
Fear of birds (ornithophobia)
Section B: Fear of Nature, the environment and other natural occurrences for example:
Fear of Thunder and Lightning (astraphobia)
Fear of Heights (acrophobia)
Fear of night (noctiphobia)
Fear of the sea (thalassophobia)
Fear of rain (ombrophobia)
Fear of lakes (Limnophobia)
Fear of clouds (nephophobia)
Section C: Medical fears and of blood and Injury, for example
Fear of doctors (iatrophobia)
Fear of needles (aichmophobia)
Fear of surgery (tomophobia)
Fear of seeing blood (hemophobia)
Fear of injections (vaccinophobia)
Fear of hospitals (nosocomephobia)
Fear of of being sick (emetophobia)
Fear of pain (algophobia)
Fear of of dying (thanatophobia)
Fear of of accidents (dystychiphobia)
Section D: Fears of potential dangerous situations, for example:
Fear of being trapped in a small confined space (claustrophobia)
Fear of flying in an aeroplane (aviatophobia)
Fear of driving or being a passenger in a car (amaxophobia)
Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes (lilapsophobia)
Fear of floods (antiophobia)
Fear of bridges or crossing them (gephyrophobia)
Fear of being close to tall buildings (batophobia)
Panic Disorders:
Panic attacks can be terrifying for the sufferer as they appear to come from no-where. One moment the person is normal and what seems like a few seconds later they are gripped by deep feelings of dread. With specific and social phobias the person is usually aware of what is making them feel fearful but with panic disorders they can appear for no apparent reason. Unless panic attacks are treated they can eventually lead to a fear of going out of the house (agoraphobia).
Combination Therapy
I have worked extensively with people suffering from all types of phobias, anxiety and panic attacks. I use Hypnotherapy techniques or a combination of therapies incorporating NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Emotrance and Past Life Therapy. The person is then usually able to let go of the fear for good.
When you book your appointment you may request the use of one specific therapy such as past life regression, or you may prefer a combination of different healing methods in order to help you to resolve whatever is causing physical or emotional pain.
Most of my therapy sessions last 90 minutes in London Harley Street. I am also happy to work with clients on the telephone.
FREE 15 Minute Consultation
It is really important that you are completely happy with your choice of hypnotherapist or therapy. I offer a free initial telephone conversation of up to 15 minutes,which is an opportunity for you to find out more about my approach, and ask any questions. Please ring me on 07769 682383. I can also be contacted by email or click here to fill in the contact form.